5 Dating Mistakes Men Make

A picture of a man realizing he made a mistake.

Learn from your mistakes and move on with your life in a positive way. Dating is an opportunity for us to learn about ourselves as well as others.

As a confirmed bachelor, I think I speak for men everywhere when I say that men are great at making big mistakes on dates. Sure, women have their foibles, but for the most part it is the male of the species that screws up relationships before they even have a chance to get off the ground.

Here’s a look at the five most common dating mistakes men make. I speak with some authority, having made all of these mistakes myself over the years. Try to avoid these bad dating behaviors, and your next date could lead to a long-term relationship.

1. Judging Personality too Harshly

Believe it or not, men do think personality is more important than looks. That’s why the very first and most common dating mistake men make is to judge a woman’s personality too harshly and too early. Men are often put off by shy women, but recent university studies prove that shy people make better partners. The point is: relax, give your date time to get used to you, and avoid passing judgement too soon.

2. Judging Looks too Harshly

Everyone wants a good-looking date, but for some reason, my male friends seem to go way out of their way to criticize the physical features of their dates. Even guys that would barely rate a 4 or 5 on the looks scale will sit there and pick apart a woman’s looks, piece by piece. Guys, stop judging women by the size of their boobs and you might actually find someone you want to spend time with.

3. Talking Too Much

Think about it: you don’t want a date that runs off at the mouth and never gives you time to get a word in. So try to avoid making this mistake yourself. Women are just as put off by a motor mouth date as we are, and talking constantly throughout the date will probably be interpreted as a sign that you’re insecure or aloof, neither of which are qualities a woman is looking for in a relationship.

4. Lying About Yourself

The biggest mistake I used to make early in my relationships was stretching the truth. Okay, sometimes I outright lied about myself. I was insecure, not proud of my accomplishments, and wanted my dates to like me, so I’d slip in a little white lie or two to make myself look better. Every time I did this, it came back to bite me in the rear end. Women can tell when men are lying; they have a sixth sense for it. Don’t tell lies or embellish your life to make yourself more appealing–it will always come back to haunt you.

5. Getting Too Physical Too Soon

This mistake is especially true for first dates or early dates. Listen: a woman probably wants to kiss you and touch you just as much as you want to get physical with her. But women tend to be better at controlling those impulses than men, so there’s no need for you to try to get too physical too soon. The trick to this mistake is to follow your instincts and listen to what your date’s body language is saying. If she’s leaning in toward you, or touching your arm or your hand, or making long-term eye contact with you, she’s probably ready for you to try and kiss her. Otherwise, give her time. She’ll let you know when she’s ready for that first kiss.

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