How to Attract Girls in High School

A picture of high school girls.

Not everyone in high school has a girlfriend or boyfriend. Don’t worry if you haven’t found someone. Many high school relationships don’t last because we’re still learning about relationships in our teen years. Take your time, be patient, and be confident in yourself. Enjoy life.

Most guys spend much of their teenage years trying to discover how to attract girls in high school. It might seem like a mysterious process, but it’s really not that complicated. Following a few simple guidelines helps take the guesswork out of the equation.

1. Be Yourself
Girls in high school can spot a phony in any crowd. They know when a guy is trying to be someone he’s not. Don’t put on a show and let your real personality have a chance at impressing a girl.

2. Try a Compliment
Longing glances and heavy sighs only get you so far. Most people don’t mind hearing how great they are, so tell your crush how beautiful you think she is. Not only will she be flattered, but she just might return the compliment.

3. Be Honest
Admittedly, this can be a hard one. Telling the girl of your dreams exactly how you feel about her is a risk, but it is usually one worth taking. You may even discover that she’s been harboring a secret crush on you too.

4. Get Involved
Girls like a guy who’s interesting. Whether it’s a club at school or volunteering at the local soup kitchen or animal shelter, find an activity with which you love being involved. These make for great conversation starters and you may discover that the girl you like has similar interests.

5. Practice Small Talk
This one makes a lot of guys uncomfortable, but it can really help break the ice with a girl. Ask her about herself, her family, and what she’s into. She’ll appreciate the effort you’re making and your interest in her.

6. Learn to Flirt
Flirting is an indispensable skill that you’ll probably work on as long as you remain single. Although some guys seem to know how to flirt instinctively, there are plenty of guys who have to work at it. Perfect the art of a wink, a crooked smile, and a little gentle teasing. All of these things demonstrate your interest and will probably elicit a flirtatious response.

7. Join a Team
It’s hard to meet girls when you spend a lot of your time hunched over a video game in the den at home. It doesn’t really matter whether you choose basketball, football, baseball, or something else, you just need to get out and play. Not only will you show off your athletic prowess, but you might also acquire a female fan or two.

8. Show that You’re Different from the Other Guys
This one only works if what you’re showing is genuine. Pretending to be interested in bird watching just because a cute girl is probably won’t get you far. But show that you are a sympathetic listener, care about her opinions, and are truly interested in what she thinks and she just may fall for your originality and maturity.

9. Be a Gentleman
Most girls think guys with manners went the way of the dinosaur ages ago. Impress a girl by holding the door for her, allowing her to enter a classroom before you, or politely picking up and returning the paper she just dropped. You’ll pique her interest and she’ll love the attention.

10. Dress for Success
Slouching around in jeans and last night’s stained T-shirt might be all right around the guys, but girls are generally more impressed by a guy who looks put together. Even if it just means having showered recently and wearing clean clothing, a girl will definitely want to get closer to a guy who smells and looks like he takes care of himself.

Despite what many guys think, attracting girls in high school is actually very easy. Don’t put on an act to impress her. Not only is it exhausting, but chances are she’s much more interested in getting to know the real you. It can be hard to put your real self out there. However, the rewards are definitely worth it. Whether she’s the girl of your dreams, or just your crush of the moment, she’ll appreciate your honesty, respect, and the effort you’re making on her behalf.

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