How to Attract Catfish

Catfish are a popular choice for fisherman and are located in various bodies of water such as creeks, lakes and ponds. Once you find the location where catfish are feeding, you need to attract the catfish to your lure. Using effective methods and the right bait are the most important things needed to successfully attract catfish.

How to Attract Catfish

All catfish species are placed in the order Siluriformes. The name was probably given because of their whisker-like barbels.

The following is a list of baits and techniques you can use to lure catfish to your fishing hook.

Dog Food with Gravy Coating

Buy a cheap bag of dog food that has a gravy coating. Choose an appropriate fishing location where the water is at a depth where the catfish will stay within the area to feed. Take a handful of dog food and scatter it over an area. The scent from the food will slowly make its way below the surface of the water and down to the bottom where certain types of catfish live. Wait for indications that the catfish are moving around the area of the dispersed food. When you see activity, cast your hook with bait into the water.

Chicken Liver Bait

Use chicken liver to attract catfish. Chicken liver will tend to attract the smaller species of catfish, usually less than ten pounds in weight. This is also effective bait to use where channel catfish dwell and feed. Keep the chicken liver on the hook by wrapping your bait around it. Keep in mind that chicken livers lose their flavor and natural juices after the first 20 minutes, so remember to re-bait often.

Live Bait

Flathead catfish are attracted to live food. The american shad fish is a natural choice to use as a live bait to attract this type of catfish. Shad are a schooling fish and can be seen in multitudes around many rivers and lakes. If shad is not available, other types of baitfish species such as minnows are also excellent bait for attracting catfish.

Dip Bait

Some fishermen use homemade recipes for their dip baits while others prefer commercial blends. Either way, dip baits must have a protein or cheese content base and dissolve slowly. Catfish feed by smell and taste and dip baits are made to have the necessary foul smell. Use these baits in water having moderate to strong currents so the bait can dissipate into the water and lead the catfish back toward your hook.

Mackerels and shrimp

Make a bait of rotten seafood consisting of mackerels and shrimp. Let the seafood dry under the hot sun for several hours. The awful smell produced will be irresistible to the catfish and serve as perfect bait. The catfish also love the salty taste of the mackerel. Use a good treble hook that will attach to the mouth of the catfish and ensure a catch.


Most catfish eat crawfish in their own habitat. Attract the catfish by dragging your lure through cover or along the bottom of the water bed.

Cheese Bait

Catfish are also attracted to cheese baits. You can use any kind of cheese, but American and cheddar cheese are particularly effective.


Worms are effective bait for many types of fish, but work especially well with catfish. Use two or three large size worms on your bait for best results. Because catfish feed mostly by smell and taste, the appearance of the worms attached to the hook does not matter. Early winter and spring are the best times of year to use worms when trying to attract catfish. Put your worm bait at the bottom of muddy water to make the conditions look and feel realistic to the catfish.

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