How to Attract a Guy You Like

A picture of a young woman and man sitting side by side in a library.

It’s okay to be shy, but you can also express your curiosity about others. Take it one step at a time and get to know people. They will get to know you, too.

Figuring out how to attract a guy you like takes effort, time, and patience. However, with the help of a few simple suggestions you may be able to capture the admiration of the guy you like.

1. Find out what his interests are and learn more about them. For instance, if the guy you like is interested in baseball, then learn all you can about the sport. Sharing a common interest in something with a guy is an effective way to get acquainted with him. Chances are, he will be impressed and intrigued by your knowledge of his beloved interest.

2. Dress in a stylish way that will help you garner his attention. Taking care with your wardrobe selections is an imaginative way to get a guy’s appreciation. It can be as simple as wearing bright colors such as red or pink. Adding a stylish scarf or even a playful hat to an outfit gives you an advantage over other women who may dress without much care.

3. Organize an outing that fits with his interests. For example, if the guy you like enjoys ice hockey you can invite him and a few other friends to a restaurant to watch a game on television. Organizing a fun gathering like this gives you a chance to let him know more about you in a casual, no-pressure way.

4. Compliment him on a success or accomplishment. If a guy you like gets recognition for a particular success at work or school, compliment him. He will appreciate your compliment and remember you as someone who took note of his success.

5. Find out his tastes in movies and invite him to see one with you. The guy you like may enjoy science fiction movies. Be on the lookout for a movie he would like and invite him to join you one night at the theater. Do some research on the story behind the movie so you can discuss it.

6. Make a habit of joking around with the guy you like. Jokes and light-hearted conversation are easy ways for you and the guy to get acquainted. In fact, a shared joke is a fun way to connect with a guy and may stir his interest in you.

7. Compliment his outfit in some way. This is an easy way to get a guy’s attention. For instance, if he is wearing an attractive shirt, let him know you like it. He will be flattered that you noticed.

8. Give him a cup of coffee or a snack that he likes. Offering a guy you like an inexpensive snack from the snack machine is a simple way to get his attention. It helps if you know what kind of chips or candy he likes so you can show him that you’re aware of his tastes. Your consideration will intrigue him.

9. Read a book that you know he likes and discuss it with him. If you overhear him mention his favorite book, make a point to read it. Talking about the book and asking him questions are two effective ways to let him know more about you.

10. Discuss his favorite television show with him. This conveys to a guy that you have an interest in what he enjoys. Furthermore, this opens up an opportunity for you to ask if he wants to get together and watch the show.

11. Figure out where he likes to hang out and go there. Finding ways to spend time with the guy you like is a vital part of getting his attention. Whether he spends his time at the library or a health club, arrange to cross paths with him in some way.

12. Smile, say hello, and take special notice of him. Sometimes a friendly, playful smile is enough to spark the interest of a guy. In fact, taking the time to acknowledge his presence is a quick way to show a guy that you admire him.

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